The Alexander Technique improves the function of your spine by gently guiding you into a more natural position for standing, sitting or moving about. It teaches you how to use muscles efficiently so there is less strain on the joints and no unnecessary tension in the body. The gentle movements help calm a busy mind while improving concentration, enabling your body to work at a higher level.

Unlike other treatments which focus on one area of the body at a time, The Alexander Technique treats your whole self. A healthier spine improves the function of your nervous system which in turn affects all parts of you.

You can feel and see a difference within a few sessions, even if your pain has been occurring for many years.

Improvement depends on how much effort one is willing to put into their practice. Think of Alexander Technique lessons like music lessons – taken weekly, you will learn to use your body so you improve continually and dramatically.

What is the Alexander Technique?

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